Kevin Fech Director of Connections
Kevin Fech serves as Director of Connections. He previously worked as a Team Manager and IRIS Consultant since 2010.
Work History
Date of Employment
- 3/1/2015
Job Title
- Director of Connections
Educational Background
Name of Institution
- Indiana University
- Business Admin
Experiences that prepared me for this position:
I am the parent of a young man with a developmental disability who is non-verbal.
County/Region I'm Familiar With
Milwaukee & Racine Counties
Languages or Communication Skills
I'm comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
I am a member of the Wisconsin Board for People with Developmental Disabilities and Milwaukee County Disability Resource Center Oversight Committee. I believe that employment is a natural part of life and I understand the process to achieve a community-based job. Because of my role as a parent and advocate, I am familiar with many resources within Milwaukee County. I had served as an IRIS consultant for 4+ years prior to joining Connections.