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Maryssa Kinney IRIS Consultant

Maryssa has experience working with people with various disabilities from age four through end-of-life.

Work History
Date of Employment
  • 5/30/2023
Job Title
  • IRIS Consultant
Educational Background
Name of Institution
  • UW-Eau ClaireUW-Eau Claire
  • Bachelor's in PsychologyBachelor's in Psychology
Experiences that prepared me for this position:
Working with people with various disabilities from age four through end-of-life; passionate about teaching self-advocacy and empowering others to reach their greatest potential; experience navigating Medicare health insurance.
County/Region I'm Familiar With
Eau Claire and Northwest WI
Languages or Communication Skills
I'm comfortable with pets in the home
More about me
Enjoy spending time in the outdoors with my two dogs, Miko and Skye.